Better Business Founder

Making Change Happen With Intention and Integrity by Scott Perry

Episode Summary

Today, for our last episode of 2020, I am absolutely thrilled to share my conversation with Scott Perry. Scott is the Founder and Chief Difference Maker of Creative on Purpose, a community and a coaching program that gets you stepping into possibility with intention and integrity. And we will learn more about what it means and what it implies in our discussion. Scott is also in the Head Coach Team in Seth Godin’s Akimbo workshops. Scott believes that excellence is cultivated through work that enhances the lives of others. I wanted to have Scott on Mindful Business Founder podcast for some time and the launch of his new book, Onward, makes it the perfect occasion to hear Scott talk about taking action, creativity, some principles of the Stoic Philosophy and why is it crucial to be surrounded by fellow travelers in our difference-making journey. I learned some very actionable tips from Scott on how to improve my work and better serve my community. I really enjoyed my conversation with Scott and I hope that you will enjoy it too.

Episode Notes

ON Scott’s Vision of the World (5:50)  

ON Why Scott transitioned from a music career to creating Creative on Purpose (6:13)  

ON Trusting ourselves when starting something new (8:37)  

ON Scott’s definition of Creativity (12:22)  

ON Integrity (15:03)  

ON Introduction to Stoic Philosophy (17:18)  

ON The Gift of Adversity (21:52)  

ON Coddiwomple [to head confidently to an unknown destination] (26:04)  

ON Values and Virtues (28:41)  

ON Taking Action (30:47)  

ON Being Part of a Community to Step into Possibility (34:15)  

ON The Intention when Writing Onward (37:31)  




BUY ONWARD, When Certainty Ends, Possibility Begins



Seth Godin and Akimbo: 

Some Stoic Philosophers & Historical Figures influenced by Stocism:


Host: Leekei Tang

Contact: hello (at)

Music credits: Mister Sunny Face by Wayne Jones / Blue Skies by Silent Partner / Happy Ukulele by Scott Holmes